Tuesday, November 28, 2006

...i say potato

head in the sand politics or merely semantics? more of the same from bushco...

regardless of what you call it, it's still killing for no reason that we, as americans (complicit or otherwise) kick-started...

no wonder i've been listening to more DRI.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

you say potato...

the USDA has come up with a great one...

what a load of completely elitist bullshit. it's called hunger... doesn't matter exactly how hungry you are... i suppose it's just another whitewashing of third world america the powers that be enjoy oh so much - they'd rather spend our money bombing brown people and padding their bank accounts than feeding our own.

sick, sick, sick.

therefore, in true Pig fashion, i've devised the following label system:

Cock Security

Low Cock Security: Reports of reduced quality, variety, or desirability of cock. Little or no indication of reduced cock intake. Old Label: Horny

Very Low Cock Security: Reports of multiple indications of disrupted cocklike patterns and reduced cock intake. Old Label: Desperate