Thursday, April 08, 2004

supreme justice, or else

it seems supreme court justice antonin scalia is letting it all hang out lately.

dig the irony:

"Last year, Scalia was criticized for refusing to allow television and radio coverage of an event in Ohio in which he received an award for supporting free speech.

Scalia, who was appointed to the bench by President Reagan in 1986, told students that the Constitution's true meaning must always be protected.

'The Constitution of the United States is extraordinary and amazing. People just don't revere it like they used to,' Scalia told a full auditorium of high school students, officials, religious leaders. "

ahh, i can see it all now... scalia standing in front of a podium, pontificating on the sublime wisdom of the concept of freedom of speech while federal marshalls run around the crowd confiscating recording equipment like sonny corleone at his sister's wedding...

does the right honorable justice scalia fear something from having his words recorded? judging from the incident reported last january, and the obvious hypocrisy inherent in the above quoted remarks, one would tend to think so.

it all boils down to yet another reason why NO ONE should ever be appointed to a position of power for life.

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