Thursday, July 29, 2004

be afraid.  be VERY afraid. (or, the GOP 2004 Convention Keynote Address)

okay, guys... an attack's coming... we just don't know when, where or how... but don't be deceived... they're OUT THERE and they're COMING FOR YOU.

so for chrissakes, be AFRAID... don't let those terrorist bastards SNEAK UP on you with your Fear down or take away your right to SHIT YOUR PANTS at our command...

we suggest you buy some duct tape.  a whole HELL of a lot of duct tape.  we don't know precisely WHY yet, but remember, it's better to be afraid than caught OFF GUARD.

thank you, god bless america, and remember - only bush/cheney can save you from the Fear.

ps.  michael moore is a weenie.  vote bush.  thanks.

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