Monday, November 08, 2004


needed about a week off to let this all soak in... THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR COMMENTS... your views and commiseration helped me get through a rather difficult time... feeling better now and getting angry about herr bush and his cronies again, which i suppose is a good thing.

i've decided to keep this blog going... my initial reaction to the election results was to just give it all up, that it really wasn't worth it and wasn't making any sort of difference... i've realized that maybe it was a little too ideological (and probably a little egotistical) to believe that i actually could inspire any sort of change... so now i guess i just need somewhere where i can bitch as much as i want with no one shutting me up (and save my wife the agony of listening to me constantly rant)...

in happier news, michael and heather at messiahbomb have brought rowan cassidy into the world... here's to hoping we can make it a better place for him.

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