Monday, February 02, 2004

first of all, i'm not a big football fan. never have been.

now that's outta the way, could someone please explain how, in this age of heightened security , where flights to Houston are cancelled by the Homeland Security Department, where Bush submits a $2.4 trillion budget, in part to help boost security in the country, where our surveillance technology has produced the quintessential Orwellian civil rights nightmare, a naked man could bypass all these security measures and shake his wang in front of 50,000 shit-kickin' gawkers?

look, i'm no economist or budget analyst or any other high-fallutin' -ist you wish to call it, but i do know that if a streaker can infiltrate one of the tightest security systems we can come up with, maybe we can spend all this money we're dumping into "homeland security" a little wiser. like say, maybe, education...

but that's just me.

cheer up, folks. baseball's right around the corner...

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